Outdoor Creation Pergola 3x3 m

    Pergola 3x3 m
    icons Aluminium/Steel
    icons 300 x 300 x 250 cm

    Pergola 3x3 m

    Dostępność: ostatnie sztuki
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    Key product features

    Innovative double gutter drainage system

    100% aluminium

    100% aluminium

    Dach może być otwierany za pomocą rotujących lameli o kącie od 0 do 135 stopni.​

    The roof can be opened using rotating slats at an angle of 0 to 135 degrees.

    Wytrzymałość na wiatr do prędkości 160 km/h.

    Wind resistance up to 160 km/h.

    Swoboda nieograniczonej rozbudowy poprzez modułową konstrukcję.

    Freedom of unlimited expansion thanks to modular design.

    Zapewniona jest ochrona przed każdym rodzajem warunków atmosferycznych

    Protection against all types of weather conditions is provided

    Sterowanie automatyczne za pomocą pilota lub aplikacji mobilnej.

    Automatic control via remote control or mobile application.

    Możliwość pełnej zabudowy bocznej.

    Possibility of full side construction.

    Przystosowany do montażu wszystkich dostępnych akcesoriów.

    Suitable for mounting all available accessories.



    All of our spas use materials from Aristech Acryls, a renowned manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs in the industry. The smooth surface of acrylic bathtubs makes cleaning easy and their weather resistance is high.

    Water drainage

    odpływ wody

    Drainage of water from a pergola can be done in several ways. Firstly, pergolas can be designed with suitable materials that effectively retain raindrops, ensuring that water does not penetrate the roof. For example, garden pergolas made of aluminum are known for their resistance to weather conditions.

    As for drainage systems, slatted pergolas can be equipped with special gutters that direct water in a specific direction. Even a slight roof slope is enough for rainwater to flow freely. However, the roof slope itself and the appropriate profiles can also effectively direct water to the ground, where it can be absorbed by the lawn. A gutter is an additional convenience, although it is not essential for the proper operation of the pergola.

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